When swiping left leaves a mess

Over recent months, we have all been treated to the usual barrage of incomprehensible adverts for perfumes.  Over the coming […]

Half Mad but Quite Admirable

I read recently about an exchange of views in the “Big Brother House” that has caused a bit of a […]

Dealing with Jesus

Last month, I wrote about my robot lawnmower, using it as an example of the fact that doing something “little […]

Little and Often

My parents used to roll their eyes at my paternal grandfather’s habit of buying gadgets.  As a child, I used […]

Family Tree

Last month, I mentioned the work my uncle has been doing on his family tree.  Since then, I’ve seen the […]

Heirlooms and Histories

My parents recently visited my uncle.  He’s not been very well of late, and living alone and without any children, […]

Silenced by Grace

When I was at vicar-school, I learned that when one reads out loud, one tends to do so more quickly […]

Enjoying the Ride

I was listening to a podcast recently in which the presenters were discussing the difference between the Marvel Cinematic Universe […]


As part of my role as Rural Dean, I have the responsibility of conducting inspections of churches on behalf of […]